Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monster Hunter: Mysteries

If swords in video games get any bigger, I'm going to start having trouble seeing my character.

I realize it's somewhat hypocritical. After all, one of my favorite games ever is "Final Fantasy VII." But the characters carrying ridiculously large swords there were also genetically modified to have superhuman strength. Also, that game had magic, so that can be used as an excuse for anything.

In Monster Hunter Tri, the one thing they get right is the consequences of swinging a huge sword. If you don't hit your target, it will bury itself in a small crater in the ground. You can then struggle to lift it out...probably after being beat around by monsters for a minute or two.

And for the record, that character in the comic could have just as well been a male. Male or female, I don't think anyone could lug around sharpened metal clubs the size of another human being. The only people who could do that are those strongmen who can throw compact cars behind them into a third-story window. Those guys are ridiculous.

Ironically, being a strongman would explain why character is flexing so much...

Personally, I'd like to see a return to reality in video game weaponry. I mean, short of realizing swords can't cut through plate armor. Otherwise, games would completely suck.

But things aren't likely to change soon. After all, gigantic swords are as much a staple of the modern RPG as random encounters. Which brings me to my follow-up point - when you're getting rid of unrealistically huge swords, also ditch the random fights.

Oh, and cliche cat-eared characters who say "nya" at the end of each sentence can go away, too.


  1. whats the matter nyaaaaaaa??
    Jkjk i find it interesting how people adopt animal like traits when they speak. Beats talking to a drone :P
    Great comic :)

  2. I wanted to clarify. I don't mind how the Felynes in this game talk. It's mostly random catgirls in RPGs - their speak patterns drive me crazy. Especially when they replace words that sound like "meow" with "meow."

    "Meow is the winter of our discontent."

  3. what also can go away is squeky toy voiced female anime characters. unless it's a child then it's sorta ok.

  4. Ugh. I agree. Those voices make me cringe.

  5. The huge weapons make sense in monster hunter though. I'm fairly certain a realistic weapon would do absolutely nothing against most of those creatures.

  6. This is true. Mostly. I mean, if you were using a standard-sized katana and making clean cuts, it might take as many as 50 or so to hack into something vital on something that big. For a much larger sword, I almost expect to be bringing down most of the monsters in 10-20 hits - you think at least one or two would graze a vital organ if you're getting four feet of penetration.

    Alas, the larger weapons do have a bit more of an "epic" feel, so I guess I can't complain.
