Monday, January 17, 2011

As promised...

As per our agreement, today is your sneak peak of The Nerd Empire and Ascension: Origins. Granted, it wasn't technically an agreement - it was more like me telling you what was going to happen. But by not refusing, I accept that as a form of you agreeing with me.

Since this gets you cool sneak peaks, I doubt you'll complain.

Of course, the site is in early beta. If any of your questions revolve around whether or not I'm going to change something, the answer is probably "yes." Except for the logo - that thing is sweet.

Hopefully you enjoy the look. And if it completely crashes out for some reason, let me know. It was fine when I went there, but I'm hoping it stays that way.

Now, on your way then - to The Nerd Empire.

I wouldn't mind some feedback - do share, if you have the time.

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