Friday, August 6, 2010

Comic 8: For Just $3 More...

I'm generally a fan of any sort of new and nerdy technology, but I can't really get into 3-D. I want to say it's some sort of deep-rooted philosophical dislike of the decline of modern creativity within the movie industry. But nah. It's just the $3 more for a ticket.

That, and I want some characters to stay on the screen - a lot of actors and actresses shouldn't be any closer to me than they already are...


  1. BT Esq aka BipolarattorneyOctober 21, 2010 at 6:00 PM

    Like Ben Affleck... I just saw The Town and I haven't seen a worse rip-off (i.e. of Heat) since the waxing scene in The 40 Year-Old Virgin.

  2. At that point, they could at least just say it was a remake and keep their dignity. I personally didn't see it. (It's a Ben Affleck thing.) But this was a complaint I heard tossed around quite a bit.
