Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good News!

For the sake of the sheer awesomeness of it, I wanted to note a recent event of note for the blog. My Monster Hunter Tri comics were recently featured on the Capcom site. As this is a legitimate company that makes video games and I was recognized by them, I was understandably very excited. When I saw it, I squealed like a little girl.

Luckily, Jess caught my squealing - the shame of it allowed my head from getting too big.

Not much more to say about it than that. Of course, I will say thank you for all the support I've been receiving. In addition to the entire Monster Hunter community, I'd like to thank all the other nerds who have made all this worth writing. As I'm so fond of saying, without all you, it's pretty much just me talking to myself about video games and movies.

Oh, and the link to the article is here:


  1. Good for you! Congrats, that IS exciting.

    The comics are awesome - I don't even play the game and I'm enjoying them. :)

  2. Thanks! The office is still abuzz about it. Well, it's actually my home office, but still.

    I'm glad the comics aren't completely inside. I realize that a lot of the deeper jokes are only going to work for Monster Hunter players. That's why I try to talk about universal game concepts when I can. Even if you don't know about Moga Village, people probably understand that all video game stores have odd ways of stocking their shelves.

    In summary, yay.

  3. ^See, that's what I like about your comics; I can understand all of them even if I haven't played the game that's mentioned.

    On another note; have you read the web comic Ctrl+Alt+Del? A friend recently introduced me to it and I think it's something most fellow nerds would enjoy. :P

  4. I haven't read it, actually. But I've heard of it before somewhere. If it's nerd-related, I'll have to check it out. Definitely.
